Elastic Beanstalk code pipeline deployment successful but code not update


I found this topic year ago that most relevant to my situation. (https://repost.aws/questions/QU_Dke0_n2Q_6ncPdT3jlGrg/eb-deploy-successful-but-code-not-updating) Same issue: Deploy successful -> SSH to the EC2 instance Code not change

I was using the code pipeline and github webhook to deploy code change for a while and this issue never come out until these few days. Application version is up to date And I also download and verified the code conent is also sync with the github repository.

But when I login through ssh and check my root directory it still the latest version as I pushed few days ago. SSH console

The Event logs show everything is successfully deployed EB Event Log

I also did download the zip file and try the manual "Upload and deploy" on the environment but it also the same. And I also follow the thread to check on the termination protection and it's not enabled in the instance. End up I can only through the ssh to update the file directly.

gefragt vor einem Jahr85 Aufrufe
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