How to enable SSL on AWS LightSail websites



I'm trying to enable SSL on my websites hosted in AWS LightSail.

At first I created a certificate in ACM and attached it to my domain, but that apparently was incorrect. Now, I've created the certificate in LightSail -> Account -> Certificates and it says "Valid, not in use", which seems closer to the right thing, but I don't see any further steps to take.

I've searched Google quite a bit, and I feel like I've hit a dead end. The https version of my website brings up the Bitnami default page. Filezilla stfp doesn't look like it has anything different either.

What should I do next?

gefragt vor einem Jahr3709 Aufrufe
2 Antworten


ACM can not be directly used with Lightsail instance. It can be used either with a load balancer or content delivery network (CDN) configuration.

Here are few links which can help

I hope this helps.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Another way is to use free SSL using LetsEncrypt, try this tutorial from digital ocean (irony?)

On Lightsail you just need to create static IP and enable HTTP/S port.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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