Correct lambda filter pattern syntax for DynamoDb stream event, where any string in a list matches one of multiple fields


In my DynamoDb stream object, I have a field that is an array of strings, i.e. attribute type SS.

"FOO": {"SS": ["hello"]},

I want to filter out the event if any string in that array matches one of "x", "y", or "z" (placeholder values). I can't figure out the correct filter pattern syntax here, but it does seem possible based on the answer in Here's what I've tried:

"FOO": {
    "SS": {
        "anything-but": ["x","y","z"]

Can anyone advise on what the filter pattern should look like?

1 Antwort

My first thought is that shows the anything-but syntax as being embedded in an array:

"Weather": [ { "anything-but": [ "Raining" ] } ]

If that doesn't fix it, what I'd try next is something that is definitely an "AND", given there don't seem to be any examples out there using anything-but with multiple items to confirm how it works. shows that, in general, items in a filter array act as "OR", so maybe what you tried is acting like:

"anything-but": ["x"] OR "anything-but": ["y"] OR ...

which will always be true.

Maybe try something like:

"FOO": {
    "SS": [
        {"anything-but": ["x"]},
        {"anything-but": ["y"]},
        {"anything-but": ["z"]}
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