Transit Gateway Routes


I remember there was a limitation with TGW where routes from VPCs would propagate to the TGW but the TGW couldn't propagate them to any other VPCs attached to it. Is this still the case?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren752 Aufrufe
3 Antworten

That is correct, currently you can propagate a VPC attachment into a TGW route table but you can not propagate TGW routes into VPC route table, you'll need to add Static routes in VPC route table pointing towards the TGW.

On the other hand (Just as an FYI) if you are using VGW (Virtual Private Gateway) you can propagate VGW VPN routes into a VPC route table.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

What is their reasoning for this? Traditional routing on a physical network could achieve this and then use Prefix-lists to filter what you want redistributed. Depending on how many VPCs are attached to your TGW this could be alot of work.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • This is just a current limitation; It is likely there is already a feature request for this. If you have an Account manager you can request to add your influence. I would suggest to keep an eye on, then filter by 'Networking and Content Delivery' and choose 'Transit Gateway', also check the Networking Blog page for any new feature announcements.


It is currently a limitation provided and may have to do static entries. VPCs, VPN/Direct Connect connections can dynamically propagate routes to the Transit Gateway route table. You can enable or disable route propagation for each Transit Gateway attachment. For a VPC attachment, the CIDR blocks of the VPC are propagated to the Transit Gateway route table. For a VPN/Direct Connect connection attachment, routes in the Transit Gateway route table propagate to your on-premises router/firewall using Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). The prefixes advertised over BGP session from on-premises router/firewall are propagated to the Transit gateway route table.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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