LimitExceededException error when provisioning CloudFormation product (external download links)


For context, I'm relatively new to AWS so I apologize in advance if I get some terminology wrong.

We have a custom CloudFormation template under Service Catalog > Products that generates external direct download links for items in an S3 bucket, so that users can download the files directly via the link, without authenticating/logging into AWS. We have a scripted process for generating the links:

To provision the external URL using the CloudFormation template:

aws servicecatalog provision-product `
            --region $Region `
            --product-id <ID of the CF template> `
            --provisioning-artifact-id $artifactId `
            --provisioned-product-name $Provisioned_Product_Name `
            --path-id $launchPathId `
            --provisioning-parameters Key=pBucketName,Value="$Bucket" `
                                    Key=pExpiration,Value=604800 `

Then, to capture the URL:

aws servicecatalog describe-record --id $RecordId

We run this script every 12 hours because that's when the links expire (from what I understand, the links themselves don't actually expire; rather, it has something to do with the user credentials expiring after 12 hours, I'm not totally sure).

Regardless, over the last couple of days every time we try to servicecatalog describe-record, it returns an error:

LimitExceededException Limit for stack has been exceeded (Service: AmazonCloudFormation; Status Code: 400; Error Code: LimitExceededException; Request ID: <request ID>; Proxy: null)

I receive this error with one user via AWS CLI, then I tried with a different user/role via the GUI/web portal/management console and got the same error.

The error doesn't say what specifically the limit is; I assumed it can maybe only generate X number of links total, so it could be that all the times we've run in the past has filled that limit. My thoughts are I could simply delete the previously-provisioned links/products, but when I used servicecatalog scan-provisioned-products, I only saw the products that I had generated that day (about 30 total), none of the past ones.

The CloudFormation User Guide lists a bunch of quotas, but I'm not sure which one specifically applies to my situation and how to clear out, or otherwise free up the quotas so I can start generating those links again.

Any help is appreciated.

Edit: Just had a colleague generate a download link using the same template, but for a different file and it worked. So it seems the limit may be file-specific?

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