Hard upper limit on registered domains and hosted zones?


I am building a service for hosting personal websites and would be offering customers to register domains and manage DNS.

I saw the default limits (50 on domains, 500 on hosted zones) and understand you can request higher limits but in trying to choose a provider to use for reselling, does anyone know the maximum limit on domains and hosted zones per an account if approved?


  • Hi @cdunnaws,

    I am curious how this is going for you? I am trying to do the same thing and now the Route 53 quota for domains is only 20, which seems really low.

    Even if my users buy their domain somewhere else, hosted zones are limited to 500 and I don't like the idea of telling them to manage their DNS themselves and create a CNAME. Is there another way to set this up, or do you simply have to ask for your quota to be increased all the time as your business grows.

    Cheers! Mike

  • I'd be interested in that as well! 😊

gefragt vor 5 Jahren1093 Aufrufe
2 Antworten


Route 53 doesn't have an absolute upper limit for domains or hosted zones. We support numerous resellers today. We're happy to work with you to increase your service limits as appropriate for your business.


beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

Thank you!

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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