How to use Okta username in IAM policy?


I am using Federated Identity with Okta being the IDP. I would like to add an Identity based policy which provides access to resources which are tagged with the user's Okta username. For each resource, I want to set the tag username and give it a value of the user who needs to access it.
"Condition": { "StringEquals": {"aws:ResourceTag/username": "${????}"} }

What should I add to the StringEquals condition so that the Okta username gets used?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren265 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I'm not sure if/how the username comes through from Okta in the SAML assertion, but you can access various attributes from it in an IAM policy [1]. The username would generally be the SAML subject, so ${saml:sub} is worth a try. You can use a tool like SAML Tracer to examine the response and determine which attribute is best [2].

There is additional AWS guidance on uniquely identifying SAML federated users here: and more general information about policy variables here:


beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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