Cannot access EC2 Instance by ssh


Hi all,

I have an question after i change my sshd_config on my ec2 instance and reboot machine after that i cannot access again i tried with port 22 and 1982 also but still appear issue connection refuse please let me know how could i access to my instance

gefragt vor einem Jahr274 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Maybe for some of the reason of these changes sshd failed to start.

Did you considered use system manager for access?

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Hi aelexanh. Do you mean you changed the SSH port from the default port (22) to 1982? If so, did you also update the inbound rules of the security group for your EC2 instance? Remove the "SSH" type rule (with TCP port range 22), and add a new "Custom TCP" type rule with port range 1982 and the appropriate source.

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