Has the model for Content Moderation in Stored video been updated?


Hello I use Content moderation API on stored videos. I noticed that on a video that was run in August with min confidence of 60, some moderation labels were returned. The same video was run a few days ago and did not return any label until the min confidence passed was 40. The labels returned were also at different timestamps. I could not find any documentation on model improvement release for anything later than November 2021. Will you please let me know how the model improvements are released and what is a good place to look for up to date news?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren254 Aufrufe
2 Antworten


Could you please confirm that you noticed the change by comparing the same video submitted in Aug 2022 and Oct 2022?

Sharing more information would help us to look further into the issue, e.g.

  • Video job id
  • Examples of how the timestamp has been changed for labels in the detection results
  • Confidence delta for labels

We also have this release note for improving Rekognition Video content moderation on Jan 2022: https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2022/01/amazon-rekognition-content-moderation-video/

Thank you!

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

Hi. Yes, I can confirm that it was the same video. I stored the video in a database only if content moderation label was detected and not empty. Unfortunately, I did not save the resultant labels of Content moderation from Rekognition from August. I delete the queue after receiving the results too, so I think job id will not help. I have saved all the results from October, but I am not sure if that will help. Please let me know what else can be done.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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