aws.greengrass.labs.jupyterlab is not listed in AWS IOT Deploy console - Why?


When I go to deploy jupyterlab to a gg device it is not listed. Is it not supported anymore?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren224 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

The components you see listed in the AWS IoT Console (under the Public Components tab) are components that the team at AWS developed and actively maintains. All the components on the software catalog are, as you mentioned, third party components or components that serve as starting points for the community to develop their own custom components which can then be uploaded to your own AWS account and will display in the console under the "My Components" tab.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

Well, If I could delete I would. I see it is a third party component.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Hey flycast,

    The components you see listed in the AWS IoT Console (under the Public Components tab) are components that the team at AWS developed and actively maintains. All the components on the software catalog are, as you mentioned, third party components or components that serve as starting points for the community to develop their own custom components which can then be uploaded to your own AWS account and will display in the console under the "My Components" tab.

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