Cognito Forgot password email not received.


I am using the amazon-cognito-identity-js NPM module to interface with Cognito for signup, login, logout, forgot password, change password, etc.

Forgot password was working and recently ceased to work. It appears to work in that I get the 200 OK from the POST. The data being posted with the ClientId and Username is also correct. Invoking the API also responds back with the "Email with verification code has been sent to d***@g***.com". The problem is that the email that should contain the verification code never arrives. I know the email address is fine because it works for the signin and add user scenarios.

In Cognito->MFA and Verifications I have the account recovery set to "Email Only".

I was using the default email in Cognito and thought that might be the issue yet the problem continues after integration with SES.

I'm at a loss. In summary, the forgot password appears to work as I have confirmed that no errors are received when communicating with AWSCognitoIdentityProviderService.ForgotPassword end-point yet the email with the verification code is never sent.

gefragt vor 4 Jahren2351 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I found the issue. The user attribute email_verified was not set to true.

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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