Aurora cluster requires a system update?


I'm attempting to change an Aurora MySQL instance from a t2 to a t3 instance type, and I'm getting this message:

DB cluster rds-log-01-cluster requires a system update for instance(s) rds-log-01 to support db.t3.small (Service: AmazonRDS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterCombination; Request ID: f3398b41-656f-4f38-bb0a-fe0335497a96)

I've clicked "upgrade now" on the cluster, but even after the upgrade I still get the above message. Is this something that needs to be resolved on Amazon's side? This is in us-west-2.

Edited by: mattdns on Feb 27, 2019 9:38 PM

gefragt vor 5 Jahren377 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I resolved this. Under "recommendations", my cluster was listed under "Pending maintenance available". I clicked the cluster, then clicked "apply now". After the cluster updated, my instance was showing in "Pending maintenance available". I clicked the instance, then clicked "apply now". After the instance was finished with its maintenance, I was able to switch it to a t3 instance type.

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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