Pinpoint Campaign Serializability


Given this scenario of scheduling 2 campaigns for the same endpoint, when the Campaign#1 notification is sent, is there a way to retain the original data of zipcode=1111-1111 that was set when Campaign#1 was created? My understanding is it will always use the latest update of the target enpoint. Is there a work around for this?

  • Run Data Import Job, Create Campaign#1 EndpointID: XYZ

        endpoint.zipcode = 1111-1111
        Set the schedule of the Campaign#1 to be sent weekly Friday 7PM
  • Run Data Import Job, Create Campaign#2: EndpointID: XYZ

        endpoint.zipcode = 2222-2222 (updated)
        Create and run the Campaign#2 to be sent on Friday 5PM (earlier by 2 hours from Campaign#1)
gefragt vor 2 Jahren106 Aufrufe
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