How to enable cross account IAM authenticated access between MSK-Connector and provisioned MSK-Broker?


We have MSK Connector under account A in VPC-A that needs to connect to provisioned MSK Broker under account B in VPC-B via IAM authenticated port 9098. VPC-A and VPC-B are peered. What are all of the available options to enable this?

Note: There doesn't seem to be a way to allow MSK-Connect under account A to assume a role in account B - which is typically what we do for cross account access of resources. If this is now possible, please provide details on how to enable this.

gefragt vor 3 Monaten125 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

Have a look at a feature called multi-VPC private connectivity which was introduced to solve exactly this challenge.

There is also a blog post that explains how to use it.

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