"Your Route 53 hosted zone for this domain needs to be set as authoritative" is the Error we get on work Mail Domain. But all Route 53 Records are correct.


I am getting an error "Your Route 53 hosted zone for this domain needs to be set as authoritative". But I have ensured all Route 53 records are correct as per the workmail page. But still it keeps saying this error. And we are not able to connect WorkMail to MAC IOS Client. It keeps asking for Internal and External URL. Not connecting event with correct password.

And we are not able to receive any email. Not sure what is wrong with the DNS or how to clear and fix it all.

1 Antwort

Check out this other re:Post page - in short, make sure you've followed these instructions, particularly step 7.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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