Aws backup : add timestamp or tag


Hello everyone, I would like to add a timestamp for each backup that I made. I would like to use timestamps to be able to perform restorations at a specific date. How can I do it ? BR

gefragt vor einem Jahr307 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


Under it states you can use tags to refine your selection.

You could use timeline as tag keys.

Hope it helps ;)

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Hello thanks a lot for you answer, but I don't understand how to use it in my case. Maybe I was not really clear in my question. In my case, I want to backup for example a dynamodb table everyday. I would like to add a timestamp when I'm backing up my table. I don't want to refine my selection. Thanks to timestamp I can restore my dynamodb at specific date instead of listing all recovery points.

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