CDK ECS Fargate - how to specify arguments to Docker container?


Hi, Trying to Deploy an ECS service running a single task with the image: datalust/seq:latest. I want to specify certain arguments to my container, how do I achieve the equivalent of running the following local command:

docker run --name seq -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y -p 5341:5341 -p 80:80 datalust/seq:latest

Using ECS Fargate. My CDK code is below:

      image: ContainerImage.fromRegistry('datalust/seq:latest'),
      containerName: `SeqContainer`,
      command: [`--name`, `seq`,`-v`, `/efs:/efs`],
      essential: true,
      cpu: 1024,

      environment: {
        ACCEPT_EULA: 'Y'
      portMappings: [
        { containerPort: 80, hostPort: 80 },
        { containerPort: 5341, hostPort: 5341 }
      logging: new AwsLogDriver({
        logGroup: new LogGroup(this, 'SeqLogGroup', {
          logGroupName: '/aws/ecs/SeqLogGroup',
          removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY
        streamPrefix: 'SeqService'

However when I run with this config, it fails to start my task properly, it seems that the Command specification overrides the default behaviour of the container, whereas I just want to supply arguments to the container as an addition to the default behaviour.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren2560 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

The command parameter of the task definition is to specify the command to run in your container at startup. The other parameters that you send to the docker cli (i.e. -e, -v, -p) usually map to other parameters of the task definition.

You properly used environment for -e and portMappings for -p. For -v you need to use volumes and mountPoints in your Task Definition. You don't need the --name parameter, it is specified in containerName.

See this link for more information on how to use EFS volumes with ECS:

See this for full reference of task definition parameters:

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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