DMS data validation


If the source endpoint is the MSSQL server and the target is S3, will the data validation work?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren390 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Unfortunately, there is no feature to validate data with S3 as target . Whenever you try to compare records between any source and target using DMS, DMS runs a SELECT query on both Source and Target, and then compares the values retrieved from both ends. Since its not possible on S3 to run a SELECT query for comparison as its not a database, validation is not supported with S3 as target. You can only use validation, when you use AWS DMS with the below endpoints as Source or Target:

Oracle PostgreSQL-compatible database (PostgreSQL or Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL) MySQL-compatible database (MySQL, MariaDB, or Amazon Aurora MySQL) Microsoft SQL Server IBM Db2 LUWting.html

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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