EC2 instance failure, wont start


I got an email : "EC2 has detected degradation of the underlying hardware hosting your Amazon EC2 instance (instance-ID: i-0b0da3b7135256146) associated with your AWS account (AWS Account ID: ***********) in the us-gov-west-1 region. Due to this degradation your instance could already be unreachable. We will stop your instance after 2022-01-27."

I tried to stop it. Didn't work. I force stopped it. It finally stopped the next day.

I tried to start it per this : "We recommend that you stop and start the instance which will migrate the instance to a new host." Instance state remains "Stopped".

How can I get this instance running ASAP?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren531 Aufrufe
4 Antworten
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This is what I get :

$ aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids i-0b0da3b7135256146

{ "StartingInstances": [ { "InstanceId": "i-0b0da3b7135256146", "CurrentState": { "Code": 16, "Name": "running" }, "PreviousState": { "Code": 16, "Name": "running" } } ] }

Instance state is till "Stopped" and I still cannot access.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

You should just be able to start the instance via the AWS Console or CLI, at which point, it should start again. If it fails to start via the Console, you may be able to see more useful diagnostic information by running the following command at the CLI:

aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids <instance-id>
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

The cli return is telling the truth, the console - not so much. I had to get out and back into the console to see it running.

a related question : I see where people stop and start their ec2 somewhat regularly. Does this practice somehow help with "underlying" problems?

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

What about taking a snapshot from the EBS and start a new instance with this snapshot?

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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