AWS Workspaces DNS settings prevent resolution of private hostnames like


The default DNS settings for my AWS workspaces, is taken from the Managed AD Server (which workspaces are provision from)

it appears that even with a sagemaker notebook endpoint provision on the VPC, urls cannot be reached.

However, if i alter one of the dns value of the workspaces to, is able to be reached.

is there a better solution? it seems that its hard for workspaces to reach AWS services.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren842 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

This has nothing to do with Amazon WorkSpaces, this is just how DNS works. You need to configure a hybrid setting to forward DNS queries to the authoritative DNS Server for the URL.

Amazon WorkSpaces are just Windows Desktops as a Service, joined to a Windows Active Directory. For Managed Microsoft AD, DNS is integrated into the Domain Controllers and can be managed through the RSAT snap-ins. It is the same way any Microsoft Windows AD with integrated DNS would be managed.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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