NuGet reports error NU1103: Unable to find package version, but version is really in CodeArtifact.


When running the statement against CodeArtifact:

dotnet restore --verbosity quiet --nologo "sample.sln"

the result is:

sample.csproj : error NU1103: Unable to find a stable package sample with version (>= 22.0.80) [sample.sln]
sample.csproj : error NU1103:   - Found 2 version(s) in invantive/22.1 [ Nearest version: 22.1.7-beta ] [sample.sln]
sample.csproj : error NU1103:   - Found 1 version(s) in invantive/22.0 [ Nearest version: 22.0.76 ] [sample.sln]
sample.csproj : error NU1103:   - Found 0 version(s) in Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages [sample.sln]

However, CodeArtifact really contains the 22.0.80 version which was uploaded maybe 5 minutes earlier. The CodeArtifact credentials provider has been loaded and configured. This problem occurs every now and then.

How can I convince NuGet called through dotnet to check more thoroughly? Is CodeArtifact ready for production use?

  • I seem incapable to add a picture, but this is the content of CodeArtifact:

    Developer Tools > CodeArtifact > Repositories > 22.0 > sample

    sample (info)

    Package versionPackage status
  • Clearing the nuget cache on dotnet fixes the issue:

    dotnet nuget locals all -c

    Does CodeArtifact maybe return an incorrect lifetime for the JSON with the packages available or forget to take into account a local time / UTC difference?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren122 Aufrufe
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