Public IPs - List all in Organization


Hi all,

I have been tasked with sourcing all our public IPs we use across our AWS Organization accounts.
What is the best way to gather this information?

For detail - we have over 100 organization AWS accounts and use both the eu-west-1 and 2 regions.


gefragt vor 4 Jahren1769 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

We have AWS config service which helps to get a centralized view of all your resources in different AWS accounts within and organisation.

You can gather EIP (elastic IPs) insformation allocated in your accounts using AWS config. The config would also provide information on 'network interfaces' and IPs attached to it. Similarly, you can get EC2 instance along with IP information.

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

Great thanks, I will check it out

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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