RDS Management Console: Connectivity and Security Tab Exception


I have a MySQL DB instance in RDS and when I look at it in the management console, I see the Summary section on top of the page, followed by the six tabs related to the database ("Connectivity & Security", "Monitoring", "Logs & events", etc.) Every time I try to view the "Connectivity & security" information by clicking on that tab, I see an "Unexpected exception" message:

unexpected exception text in tab

The other tabs display information, but this tab will briefly display connectivity/security information (too fast to really read) but then replace it with the error message. The "contact us" link is non-functional on that error message. I have tried refreshing the page and logging in at other times to no avail.

Can somebody assist?

1 Antwort

I have no idea if someone manually intervened or if the error condition was corrected automatically, but the tab now displays the "Connectivity & security" information correctly. So this is no longer a current issue.

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