Can you create API Gateway methods using a CloudFormation template without a Lambda proxy function?


A customer is currently using CloudFormation template to create API Gateway with the help of a Lambda function to create the methods and mappings. They’re currently looking for a way to do this without using a Lambda function as a proxy to build out the methods. Does CloudFormation support creating API Gateway methods without needing that extra Lambda function?

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Yes CloudFormation supports creating API Gateway. The first step for customer is familiarizing with different integration options available for an API.

In the previous answer post, swagger integration option was mentioned. Customers can start API development or prototyping by using swagger editor and other API development plugins. The next step could be to create API endpoint using CloudFormation. API Gateway version 2 is available and it provides lot of benefits. We could start without backend integration of Lambda and use integration type as MOCK.

Once we have the skeleton ready we could create the backend in either AWS Lambda or HTTP endpoints of choice and wire them. This enables independent development of back end and testing based on API contract.

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