Restrict read access to CodeCommit Repository



I have 2 repositories[repo-1, repo-2] in my CodeCommit. And have 2 IAM groups[org-1, org-2], I want to create 2 IAM policies that will restrict read and write access for org-2 users in repo-1 and org-1 users in repo-2. I have successfully blocked the write access, now trying to block the read access, basically trying to implement two policies, where org-1 users won't be able to see repo-2 and vice versa. Can anyone please help me with this? Thanks in advance.

gefragt vor einem Jahr1419 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Some good example CodeCommit IAM policies can be found here.

You can build off the examples to get the behavior you are looking for.

Here is a link for more detail on how IAM policies work.

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