Issue with DataBrew RecipeJob Destination S3 path


I have a bit of an issue with databrew job pushing result file into the incorrect location. The use case: I am working on the step function which is masking the data using Data Brew. I have a parquet input file in S3 with path: folder1/file.parquet in the Account A. My Databrew job is configured to mask the data in the file and push it to S3 in Account B under the same path as original file. The config is:

"Outputs": [
      "Format": "PARQUET",
      "MaxOutputFiles": 1,
      "Overwrite": "TRUE",
      "Location": {
        "Bucket": "BucketInAccountB",
        "BucketOwner": "AccountBOwnerId",
        "Key.$": "States.Format('{}/{}/{}/{}/{}',States.ArrayGetItem(States.StringSplit($.detail.object.key, '/'), 0),States.ArrayGetItem(States.StringSplit($.detail.object.key, '/'), 1), States.ArrayGetItem(States.StringSplit($.detail.object.key, '/'), 2), States.ArrayGetItem(States.StringSplit($.detail.object.key, '/'), 3), $.Dataset.filename)"

The actual behaviour is that output file name is folder1/file.parquet/NameOfTheRecopeJob_time_part000.parquet

The crazy bit is that when I check the job in DataBrew console, in Job run history and open the Output, it actually shows the expected path -

gefragt vor einem Jahr103 Aufrufe
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