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Does Lambda with RabbitMQ-trigger batch messages from multiple queues



I have a Lambda with a single lambda_handler function and multiple YAML files with different env vars. This Lambda should be triggered by RabbitMQ, each YAML file contains one RabbitMQ queue. As I understand from the documentation, Lambda batches messages and processes them at once, but what I didn't understand is whether an event contains messages from multiple queues. If it does, how can I distinguish between them and apply the different configuration according to each queue's YAML file's?

gefragt vor 6 Monaten230 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I haven't used it myself, but As I understand you need to specific a queue every time you configure a lambda function as destination, That suggest that while there will be a batch of message but they all will be from same queue.

And since the sourceArn content queue name you can use that to decide which configure to pick.

beantwortet vor 6 Monaten

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