How to add a new version to the existing Service Catalog product through CloudFormation template


We are able to successfully create a Service Catalog CloudFormation product using the below CFN resource:

    Type: AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProduct
      AcceptLanguage: en
      Description: "Service Catalog Product description"
      Name: "Annotation Project"
      Owner: "ProductOwner"
      ReplaceProvisioningArtifacts: True
        - Description: "SageMaker Project"
            LoadTemplateFromURL: !Join [ '', [ 'https://',  '{{resolve:ssm:/mlops/infra/artifact-bucket}}', !Sub '.s3.${AWS::Region}' ] ]
          Name: "Version1"
        - Key: sagemaker:studio-visibility
          Value: true
        - Key: Owner
          Value: 'infra'

However, I am not able to create the new version of the product. When I change value of Name under ProvisioningArtifactParameters, CFN stack updates successfully but it doesn't create a new version of the Service Catalog product. Its just replacing the existing product with new version value.

I don't see the details of the same in the document as well. Please let me know if there is an option to create this. Thanks.

gefragt vor 7 Monaten368 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


you need to make sure that the combination of Product Name and Artifact is unique. Otherwise Cloudformation will update the thing in place.

Please check on this code where I put in the different approach:

  Type: AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProduct
    AcceptLanguage: en
    Description: "Service Catalog Product description"
    Name: "Annotation Project"  # Keep the same product name
    Owner: "ProductOwner"
    ReplaceProvisioningArtifacts: False  # Set to False to create a new version
      - Description: "SageMaker Project"
          LoadTemplateFromURL: !Join [ '', [ 'https://', '{{resolve:ssm:/mlops/infra/artifact-bucket}}', !Sub '.s3.${AWS::Region}' ] ]
        Name: "Version2"  # Change the provisioning artifact name to create a new version
      - Key: sagemaker:studio-visibility
        Value: true
      - Key: Owner
        Value: 'infra'

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beantwortet vor 7 Monaten
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überprüft vor 7 Monaten
  • Thanks. As I have mentioned in the question, this is what I have been trying (changing the value of Name field to version2) and it still doesn't create a new version. Its replacing the existing version itself. It shows only 1 version under Product Version section in Service Catalog. I tried with both the options for ReplaceProvisioningArtifacts (True as well as False).

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