How to connect an existing Managed Active Directory to QuickSight when creating?


Hi, I want to set up QuickSight with Active Directory. I've already built a Managed Active Directory and started to set up QuickSight. After chose Enterprise and "Use Active Directory" ub Create your QuickSight account page, I couldn't get the list of directories. It shows No directories available. Push "Refresh list" button many times but no effect. See this page: , and created AD connector additionally but the situation is the same.

How to connect an existing AD with QuickSight when, only when I think, creating a QuickSight account?


gefragt vor einem Jahr444 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

A problem of region. You should select QuickSight region, BEFORE selecting ""Use Active Directory" option. If you select the option, the selecting region option will be vanished. Confusing...

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
überprüft vor einem Jahr

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