CodeDeploy Environment Variables On Windows


I am using CodeDeploy to deploy a .Net app to a Windows Server 2022 machine. I am using an AppSpec.yml file to manage the deployment steps. I have read that you can read in the CodeDeploy environment variables such as $DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME in your hook scripts e.g. The example are always in linux scripts though e.g.

if [ "$DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME" == "Staging" ]

I am wanting to do this in a cmd file as when deploying to Windows you can't use .sh files. I have tried as a test echoing the results of a variable from a cmd file but it always comes out as not being set to my Deployment Group Name. Are CodeDeploy variables not available in windows deployments or am I using them wrong. What I am trying to achieve ultimately is to know which Deployment Group (Test or Prod) is being deployed to so that I can update some configuration accordingly.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren953 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Actually figured it out. For Windows when using cmd or bat files you need to use a slightly different variable syntax. It is


instead of


The %DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME% gets replaced with the correct value. In my case "Staging".

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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