Downloaded files are corrupted when publishing on AWS lambda


I have .Net core 2.1 project which I am publishing on AWS Lambda, some endpoints I have will get a file from S3 and download it to me.
The thing is when I test locally, the same audio/image file is returned fully to me and I can preview it but when I publish to Lambda I get corrupted files, that I can't preview.

Anything I should configure to fix this?
A code sample:
public ActionResult<IFormFile> GetPortrait([FromRoute] string imageId)
Stream image=GetFromS3(imageId);
return File(image, "image/jpeg"); // returns a FileStreamResult

gefragt vor 5 Jahren1018 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Are you returning the results through API Gateway? If so, API Gateway tries to return text or base64 encoded data. Do a web search for 'how to return S3 data from API Gateway' - there are some special API Gateway settings that have to be implemented.

I wanted to return a 1x1 pixel image but instead, I returned a redirect to a public bucket with the file!


beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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