Applying activate credits


Hi - I have some activate credits that are available through my account (billing and cost management console) and I would like to apply them towards an existing account balance. Unfortunately when I try to redeem the credit using my org ID, it says "the promotion code is invalid." I have confirmed with my AWS account manager that the code is active/fine, but he cant seem to help more beyond that. Can anyone help?

gefragt vor 6 Monaten188 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Hi Dan,

Ensure the credits are eligible for your current usage, and double-check that you're using the correct organization ID. If the issue persists, reach out to AWS Billing Support for further assistance, as they can investigate account-specific problems and may be able to manually apply the credits. Trying a different browser or incognito mode might also help. Since your Account Manager confirmed the code is valid, AWS support should be able to resolve this.

I hope this helps.

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beantwortet vor 6 Monaten

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