Announcing Add your Ruby gems to AWS CodeArtifact

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Ruby developers can now utilize AWS CodeArtifact to securely manage their gems, integrating it seamlessly with tools like gem and bundler. Packages and dependencies play a crucial role in application development, providing reusable code for various tasks. However, managing third-party packages poses legal and security challenges, requiring organizations to ensure compliance and safety.

AWS CodeArtifact addresses these challenges by offering a managed service for distributing packages securely within organizations. It now supports Ruby gems alongside other formats like npm, PyPI, and Maven. Developers can publish and download Ruby gem dependencies from their CodeArtifact repository, integrating them into their projects using existing tools.

To get started, developers can collect an authentication token from CodeArtifact and configure their environment accordingly. They can then upload their packages to the repository and use them in their projects. CodeArtifact also allows associating repositories with upstream sources like, enabling automatic fetching of packages when not locally available.

Before uploading Ruby packages to CodeArtifact, developers should ensure they have the latest version of the AWS CLI. They should also manage authentication token expiration and be aware of the pricing structure, which includes storage, requests, and data transfer.

Overall, AWS CodeArtifact for Ruby packages provides a convenient and secure solution for managing dependencies in Ruby applications, available in all regions where CodeArtifact is supported.

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