How do I troubleshoot the 403 errors I get when I try to access Contact recordings and Transcripts that Amazon Contact Lens generates?

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I want to troubleshoot the 403 errors that I receive when I access call recordings and chat transcripts in the Amazon Connect console.


The following are the most common issues that cause a 403 error when you try to access Amazon Connect Contact Lens recordings and transcripts.

User doesn't have required permission in their security profile

To resolve this issue, assign the CallCenterManager security profile so that a user can listen to call recordings or review chat transcripts. To assign the CallCenterManager security profile, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Amazon Connect console.
  2. Select your instance.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Users, and then choose User management.
  4. Select the user.
  5. In the Security profile menu, select the CallCenterManager security profile.
  6. Choose Save.
    Assign the following permissions to a user's security profile:
    Contact search. This is required to access to contact search page.
    Restrict contact access. This is required to access the Contact search page based on the agent hierarchy group.
    Recorded conversations (redacted). This is required to access only call recordings and transcripts that have removed sensitive data.
    Manager monitor. This is required to monitor live conversations and listen to recordings.

Call recording or transcript is removed

To resolve this error, follow the steps in How do I find missing call recordings in Amazon Connect?

Agent can't view the chat transcript when chat is transferred to an agent in a different hierarchy

When a chat is transferred between Agents, the Transferred Contact record page is accessible and the Initial Contact-ID page returns a 403 error. This error happens because the Restrict Contact Access permission limits user's access to result on the Contact search page based on their agent hierarchy group.

To resolve this error, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Amazon Connect console.
  2. Choose your instance.
  3. Choose Users, and then choose Security profiles.
  4. To activate the Contact search visibility, choose the security profile .
  5. Choose Analytics and Optimization, and then choose Restrict Contact Access.
  6. Select View.
  7. Choose Save.

Related information

Assign permissions to review past contact center conversations in Amazon Connect

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