How do I ingest the AWS Cost and Usage Report (CUR) into Amazon QuickSight and then visualize it?

3 minutos de lectura

I want to ingest the AWS Cost and Usage Report (CUR) from Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) into Amazon QuickSight and then visualize it.


To ingest and visualize your CUR, do the following:

  1. Create a Cost and Usage Report.

  2. Authorize QuickSight to access your Amazon S3 bucket.

  3. Open the QuickSight console.

  4. Choose Manage Data.

  5. Choose New Data Set.

  6. Choose S3 to open the Amazon S3 data source dialog box.

  7. In the Amazon S3 data source dialog box, enter a data source name.
    Important: Make sure that you set the proper permissions for QuickSight to access the S3 bucket. Otherwise, you can't access any data in QuickSight.

  8. In the Upload a Manifest field, choose Upload, or enter the URL of your AWS Cost and Usage Report manifest file like this:


    Replace the following variables to indicate the S3 folder and JSON file that you created in step 1:
    awscostusagereport-quicksight: Your S3 bucket
    report_path_example: The CUR Report path prefix
    AWS_CUR_QS_ReportName: Your CUR Report name
    20200601-20200701: The date range of your CUR Report

  9. Choose Connect to create and then open the new dataset.

  10. After you create the new dataset, choose Visualize to display all the data fields in your AWS Cost and Usage Report. For more information about the CUR data field definitions, see the Data dictionary.

Additional troubleshooting

If you can't find the QuickSight folder under your S3 bucket, try the following:

  • Wait 24 hours before you regenerate the CUR report and manifest file.
  • Verify that you selected QuickSight for the Enable report data integration for field.

If you get a "We can't parse the manifest file as a valid JSON" error message, try the following:

  • Check whether you correctly authorized QuickSight to access your S3 bucket.
  • Verify that the URL of the manifest file that you copied over is located in the QuickSight folder. Each service folder must have its own manifest file.

If you have multiple AWS accounts under the same organization, make sure that you have proper access rights from the management account. This report is available only to the management account owner and any users who are granted access by the management account. For more information, see Consolidated billing for AWS Organizations.

Related information

What are AWS Cost and Usage Reports?

I can't connect to Amazon S3

OFICIAL DE AWSActualizada hace 5 meses
2 comentarios

This post shows how to visualize CUR into Quicksight for one specific date range (the one included in the json manifest) but how can we do it for all the manifest files created by CUR?? I would like to analyze last year's costs (for example).

respondido hace 9 meses

Thank you for your comment. We'll review and update the Knowledge Center article as needed.

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respondido hace 9 meses