WWise Failed to Post Wwise event


when lumberyard is connected to WWise via remote connect all audio is perfect but when I am not connected or using launcher, I keep on getting this error [Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 3288114727 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObjID: 1023

[Warning] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 3288114727

I have tried to rebuild my soundbank in WWise and reload/refresh audio in Lumberyard many times and have followed these doucments https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lumberyard/latest/userguide/audio-wwise.html

preguntada hace 4 años453 visualizaciones
15 Respuestas
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After I went into Wwise and added those events and audio clips to the content soundback and everything works. I am not the sound guy, I am just the dev and handle alot of the interaction pieces. I also tested by creating a new sound bank in Wwise and generated soundbank, notice that lumberyard did not created an ATL proload for that soundbank but it does shows up in the Wwise when I do create an ATL preload. What is the propose of soundbank why need more than one

respondido hace 4 años

Hi @REDACTEDUSER This does usually mean your banks haven't been loaded by the engine. Have you made sure you have added your soundbank to an ATL Preload and have it set to AutoLoad? You can check which banks are currently loaded in the game/editor by typing s_DrawAudioDebug x into the console.

You might want to double check your ATL Preloads in Audio Controls Editor and save them again. If you continue to have issues, please look for any Error messages in the log when loading the game/editor or when you refresh audio.

respondido hace 4 años

I have the events setup to

  • do_nothing
  • get_focus
  • lose_focus
  • mute_all
  • unmute_all

and the event ids that it is failing is the correct one in my WWise project. I also copy the cube sample project and pointed it to my own soundbanks/project to check if it was something related to my soundbanks or WWise SDK and the events/sounds play perfectly

when I load the editor i get this logging/errors for the audio system in the consoles (Audio) - AudioSystem created!

(Audio) - AudioEngineWwise created!

(Audio) - Loading Audio Controls Library: '@assets@\libs\gameaudio\wwise/default_controls.xml'

(Audio) - Loading Audio Controls Library: '@assets@\libs\gameaudio\wwise/gamesounds.xml'

(Audio) - Loading Audio Preloads Library: '@assets@\libs\gameaudio\wwise/default_controls.xml'

(Audio) - Loading Audio Preloads Library: '@assets@\libs\gameaudio\wwise/gamesounds.xml'

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 3) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_obj_col_crate_crate'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 7) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_obj_col_crate_dirt'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 11) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_obj_col_crate_grass'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 15) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_obj_col_crate_dirt'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 19) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_obj_col_crate_dirt'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 23) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_obj_col_crate_dirt'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 27) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_obj_col_crate_crate'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 31) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_obj_col_player_crate'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 35) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_character_col_chr_chr'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 39) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_character_col_chr_dirt'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 43) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_character_col_chr_grass'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 47) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_character_col_chr_rock'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 51) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_character_col_chr_dirt'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 55) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_character_col_chr_chr'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 59) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_character_col_chr_chr'not valid

[MFX] Loading FXLib 'collisions_enemy&player' ...

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 3) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_character_col_chr_chr'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 7) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_character_col_chr_dirt'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 11) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_character_col_chr_grass'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 15) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_character_col_chr_rock'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 19) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_character_col_chr_dirt'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 23) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_character_col_chr_chr'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 27) : Trigger 'Play_AMZ_sfx_character_col_chr_chr'not valid

[MFX] Loading FXLib 'footstep' ...

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 4) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'default' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 4) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_run'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 10) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'metal' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 10) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_run'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 19) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'soil' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 19) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_run'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 28) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'grass' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 28) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_run'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 37) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'grit' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 37) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_run'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 43) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'rock_dusty' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 43) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_run'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 52) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'rock' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 52) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_run'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 61) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'water' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 61) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_run'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 67) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'water' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 67) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_run'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 73) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'wood' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 73) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_run'not valid

[MFX] Loading FXLib 'footstep_jump_landhard' ...

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 4) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'default' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 4) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landhard'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 10) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'metal' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 10) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landhard'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 19) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'soil' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 19) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landhard'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 28) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'grass' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 28) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landhard'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 37) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'grit' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 37) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landhard'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 43) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'rock_dusty' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 43) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landhard'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 52) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'rock' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 52) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landhard'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 61) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'water' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 61) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landhard'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 67) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'water' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 67) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landhard'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 73) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'wood' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 73) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landhard'not valid

[MFX] Loading FXLib 'footstep_jump_landlight' ...

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 4) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'default' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 4) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landlight'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 10) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'metal' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 10) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landlight'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 19) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'soil' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 19) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landlight'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 28) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'grass' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 28) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landlight'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 37) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'grit' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 37) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landlight'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 43) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'rock_dusty' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 43) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landlight'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 52) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'rock' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 52) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landlight'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 61) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'water' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 61) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landlight'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 67) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'water' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 67) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landlight'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 73) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'wood' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 73) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_landlight'not valid

[MFX] Loading FXLib 'footstep_jump_takeoff' ...

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 4) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'default' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 4) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_takeoff'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 10) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'metal' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 10) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_takeoff'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 19) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'soil' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 19) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_takeoff'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 28) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'grass' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 28) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_takeoff'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 37) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'grit' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 37) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_takeoff'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 43) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'rock_dusty' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 43) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_takeoff'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 52) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'rock' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 52) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_takeoff'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 61) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'water' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 61) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_takeoff'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 67) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'water' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 67) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_takeoff'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 73) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'wood' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 73) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_jump_takeoff'not valid

[MFX] Loading FXLib 'footstep_walk' ...

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 4) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'default' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 4) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_walk'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 10) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'metal' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 10) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_walk'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 19) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'soil' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 19) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_walk'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 28) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'grass' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 28) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_walk'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 37) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'grit' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 37) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_walk'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 43) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'rock_dusty' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 43) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_walk'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 52) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'rock' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 52) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_walk'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 61) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'water' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 61) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_walk'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 67) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'water' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 67) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_walk'not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 73) : Switch 'SurfaceType' or SwitchState 'wood' not valid

[Warning] [MFX] AudioEffect (at line 73) : Trigger 'Play_pla_fstp_walk'not valid (AudioWwiseLoader) - Loading Xml from '@devassets@\sounds\wwise_project\Game Parameters/Default Work Unit.wwu'

(AudioWwiseLoader) - Loading Xml from '@devassets@\sounds\wwise_project\Game Parameters/Factory Motion.wwu'

(AudioWwiseLoader) - Loading Xml from '@devassets@\sounds\wwise_project\Game Parameters/Factory SoundSeed Air Game Syncs.wwu'

(AudioWwiseLoader) - Loading Xml from '@devassets@\sounds\wwise_project\States/Default Work Unit.wwu'

(AudioWwiseLoader) - Loading Xml from '@devassets@\sounds\wwise_project\Switches/Default Work Unit.wwu'

(AudioWwiseLoader) - Loading Xml from '@devassets@\sounds\wwise_project\Events/Default Work Unit.wwu'

(AudioWwiseLoader) - Loading Xml from '@devassets@\sounds\wwise_project\Master-Mixer Hierarchy/Default Work Unit.wwu' [Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 4003578643 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObjID: 1

[Warning] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 4003578643

[Warning] (Audio) - Trigger "unmute_all" failed on AudioObject "GlobalAudioObject" (ID: 1)

[Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 4280413250 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObjID: 1

[Warning] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 4280413250

[Warning] (Audio) - Trigger "get_focus" failed on AudioObject "GlobalAudioObject" (ID: 1)

========================= Errors =========================

  1. [ 1] [ ] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 4280413250

  2. [ 1] [ ] (Audio) - Trigger "get_focus" failed on AudioObject "GlobalAudioObject" (ID: 1)

  3. [ 1] [System] [Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 4280413250 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObjID: 1

========================= End Errors =========================

[Warning] XML reader: Can't open file (Editor/asset_thumbnail.tod)

[Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 3350149075 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObjID: 1

[Warning] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 3350149075

[Warning] (Audio) - Trigger "lose_focus" failed on AudioObject "GlobalAudioObject" (ID: 1)

[Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 4280413250 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObjID: 1

[Warning] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 4280413250

[Warning] (Audio) - Trigger "get_focus" failed on AudioObject "GlobalAudioObject" (ID: 1)

[Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 3350149075 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObjID: 1

[Warning] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 3350149075

[Warning] (Audio) - Trigger "lose_focus" failed on AudioObject "GlobalAudioObject" (ID: 1)

[Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 4280413250 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObjID: 1

[Warning] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 4280413250

[Warning] (Audio) - Trigger "get_focus" failed on AudioObject "GlobalAudioObject" (ID: 1)

[Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 3350149075 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObjID: 1

[Warning] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 3350149075

[Warning] (Audio) - Trigger "lose_focus" failed on AudioObject "GlobalAudioObject" (ID: 1)

[Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 4280413250 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObjID: 1

[Warning] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 4280413250

[Warning] (Audio) - Trigger "get_focus" failed on AudioObject "GlobalAudioObject" (ID: 1)

[Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 3350149075 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObjID: 1

[Warning] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 3350149075

[Warning] (Audio) - Trigger "lose_focus" failed on AudioObject "GlobalAudioObject" (ID: 1)

[Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 4280413250 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObjID: 1

[Warning] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 4280413250

[Warning] (Audio) - Trigger "get_focus" failed on AudioObject "GlobalAudioObject" (ID: 1)

the error report pops up with this [ 1] [System] $4[Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 4280413250 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObj! ID: 1 [ 1] [ ] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 4280413250 [ 1] [ ] (Audio) - Trigger "get_focus" failed on AudioObject "GlobalAudioObject" (ID: 1)

when i refresh the audio i get (Audio) - Beginning to refresh the AudioSystem!

(Audio) - Loading Audio Controls Library: '@assets@\libs\gameaudio\wwise/default_controls.xml'

(Audio) - Loading Audio Controls Library: '@assets@\libs\gameaudio\wwise/gamesounds.xml'

(Audio) - Loading Audio Preloads Library: '@assets@\libs\gameaudio\wwise/default_controls.xml'

(Audio) - Loading Audio Preloads Library: '@assets@\libs\gameaudio\wwise/gamesounds.xml'

[Error] (AudioTranslationLayer) - ATL RefreshAudioSystem - Failed to load fresh global preloads!

(Audio) - Done refreshing the AudioSystem!


respondido hace 4 años

So it looks like there are no banks loaded (FileCacheManager shows 0 entries), refreshing banks failed to load global preloads, and none of your triggers are working because of that.

Do you have any ATL Preload controls inside your 'GameSounds' folder? These should be mapped to .bnk files. My guess is that you are missing them. If you do have some ATL Preloads, try deleting them and save, then recreate them from scratch and save. You can drag .bnk files from the 'Wwise controls' (right) pane over to the 'ATL Controls' (left) pane to create them easily. It should show the mapped .bnk file in the 'Inspector' (center) pane when you have one selected.

respondido hace 4 años

Yes I only have one ATL Preload(idk what the term really means) in the GameSounds called Play_Sound. All the rest of them were create when i created the project. So you want me to delete all the ATL Proloads and recreate them, even the default one?

Update: I deleted all the ATL Preload and saved, than exit the editor. restart the editor and recreated them and nope no change same errors for all the ATL PReloads just replace the event id and event name [Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 3350149075 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObjID: 1

[Warning] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 3350149075

[Warning] (Audio) - Trigger "lose_focus" failed on AudioObject "GlobalAudioObject" (ID: 1)

[Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 4280413250 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObjID: 1

[Warning] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 4280413250

[Warning] (Audio) - Trigger "get_focus" failed on AudioObject "GlobalAudioObject" (ID: 1)

respondido hace 4 años

"Play_Sound" is probably an ATL Trigger, used for playing or stopping sounds. These usually get connected to Wwise Events. ATL Preloads tell Lumberyard to load a .bnk file, and these would be connected to .bnk files.

Check this page for info on the different types of ATL Controls: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lumberyard/latest/userguide/audio-atl-editor-atl-controls.html

You can check the icon of the Play_Sound control against the icons shown on that page. My guess is that it's a Trigger.

When you generate banks in Wwise, they should show up in the Audio Controls Editor in the 'Wwise controls' pane with the .bnk extension. Once you see them, drag-and-drop them into a folder in the 'ATL controls' pane.

Don't worry about deleting anything. Just check if you have any Preloads first, based on the icons in the doc page. Then you can try making one so that Lumberyard will load your .bnk file.

respondido hace 4 años

[quote="zebra_xray, post:6, topic:9617"] “Play_Sound” is probably an ATL Trigger, used for playing or stopping sounds [/quote]

This is the trigger that I created that is tied to the "WOOSH 02" because I wanted to see if it was an error just with the default triggers or not, and that sound came from what WWise gives you at default project creation and it was the most peasant to hear. Nope after 50million times of generating the banks in wwise, nothing shows up with a .bnk extension, and that was the same as with lumberyard 1.25 that I used for POC for my group a few months ago(currently started moving our ue4 project into lmbr1.26) I have tried moving them over like they said and same errors no change when I am not connected to WWise via remote connect. But the change that did happen is that the default ATL Controls(like lose_focus which is triggered when you leave the editor) throws an error now REMOVEDUPLOAD

respondido hace 4 años

Have you set your SoundBanks path in Wwise? It should be set to your /dev/<MyProject>/Sounds/wwise/ folder. When you generate banks, make sure that your banks are in fact being refreshed in that folder. This is the folder that Lumberyard is looking for .bnk files.


respondido hace 4 años

Yeah the .bnk files are in the /dev/FallenStar/Sounds/wwise/. yes I did use that guild "Setting up a WWise Project" plus the "Setting up Wwise LTX", "Connecting Wwise to the Editor and Game", " Comparing Wwise Full to Wwise LTX" and "Upgrading Wwise LTX to the Full Version" and tried to follow the guild " Using a Different Wwise Version" so we could still use our existing project that we created for the integration for UE4( that even up being a fail since there where some huge changes between Wwise SDK from V2018.1.4.6807 to V2019.2.5.7349, so yeah we have to recreate the whole project again lol). That is why in the OP I stated that i followed guides "Auduikinetic Wwise", sorry if I did not make myself clear about that.


respondido hace 4 años

No worries, I'm just trying to check the common failures that would cause something like this. This does look correct, everything you've shown me so far about your setup. I'm puzzled by why the Content.bnk file doesn't show up in Audio Controls Editor. This is what I see on StarterGame project (ignore the missing icons): REMOVEDUPLOAD

You can try dropping an xml file in your /dev/FallenStar/libs/gameaudio/wwise/ folder like so: preload_test.xml.txt|attachment (289 Bytes) (Remove the .txt extension)

Maybe we can force Lumberyard to load the content.bnk file.

respondido hace 4 años

So i check out the starter game(I have not touch that since I configured lmbry from github so it is totally refesh) and I noticed a few things. First there is no error about lose_focus when you click outside of editor or get_focus when you enter the editor, unlike Fallen Star. I checked the WWise project and noticed that it isn't use v2018.1.4.6807 but using v2018.1.2.6762. Also it looks like your StarterGame Project ATL setting have been modified heavy since I dont have anything like what you shown, see image below.

so i added that file and some good new refreshing audio works: (Audio) - Beginning to refresh the AudioSystem!

(Audio) - Loading Audio Controls Library: '@assets@\libs\gameaudio\wwise/default_controls.xml'

(Audio) - Loading Audio Controls Library: '@assets@\libs\gameaudio\wwise/gamesounds.xml'

(Audio) - Loading Audio Controls Library: '@assets@\libs\gameaudio\wwise/preload_test.xml'

(Audio) - Loading Audio Preloads Library: '@assets@\libs\gameaudio\wwise/default_controls.xml'

(Audio) - Loading Audio Preloads Library: '@assets@\libs\gameaudio\wwise/gamesounds.xml'

(Audio) - Loading Audio Preloads Library: '@assets@\libs\gameaudio\wwise/preload_test.xml'

(Audio) - Done refreshing the AudioSystem!

and also the FileCacheManage says there is one entries

however most the triggers are still throwing error: Like the default ATL controls [Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 3350149075 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObjID: 1

[Warning] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 3350149075

[Warning] (Audio) - Trigger "lose_focus" failed on AudioObject "GlobalAudioObject" (ID: 1)

[Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 4280413250 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObjID: 1

[Warning] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 4280413250

[Warning] (Audio) - Trigger "get_focus" failed on AudioObject "GlobalAudioObject" (ID: 1)

and my custom one Play_Sound: [Error] (Audio) - <Wwise> Event ID not found: 3288114727 ErrorCode: 47 PlayingID: 0 GameObjID: 1024

[Warning] (Audio) - Failed to Post Wwise event 3288114727

[Warning] (Audio) - Trigger "Play_Sound" failed on AudioObject "PlayerActor_audioproxy" (ID: 1024)


respondido hace 4 años

I was using the "Filters" drop-down to filter out everything except Preloads. Don't worry, my StarterGame project ATL controls does look similar to what you posted when unfiltered.

Well, the engine can load the content.bnk file, that's good. I'm a little surprised that it's only 32 bytes. Maybe you can check the real file to verify that's correct. Also you want to check your Cache folder for all audio related files, make sure they look updated and the correct size/timestamp etc.

From your post earlier it looks like you did have get_focus, lose_focus etc connected to Wwise events. Can you post the xml files in your /dev/libs/gameaudio/wwise/ folder? (You need to add .txt extension so the forums will accept it as an attachment).

respondido hace 4 años

Well, that's good news. I suppose this is a bit of learning experience, as that is a difference between Wwise LTX and the full version. With the full version, you have much more control managing soundbanks. They are basically a way to split up your audio content so you don't load everything all the time. Some games have 50+ GB of audio so you can imagine the need to break it up into logical pieces.

Your audio person, whomever is going to be interacting with Wwise the most, should be setting up soundbanks inside Wwise, managing what content goes into each, then setting them up in Audio Controls Editor. You've done the hard work of making sure banks can be loaded to the runtime.

respondido hace 4 años

The content bank is pretty small. Windows is reporting that it is only 865 bytes big but is 4.00 KB on disk. I check the cache folder and the bnk files appear to be the same as the ones in the wwise folder under the project. Once I added those ATL Trigger(in lumberyard, events in wwise) to the content sound bank, the errors for get_focus , lose_focus disappear. plus i added a laser sound to them and now it sounds like laser gun everytime the editor lose focus or get focus. which is cool that you can change the editor sounds to be anything you want to be so easily.

respondido hace 4 años

Yeah, hopefully once you get more familiar with how it works, you'll see it's pretty flexible. I think initial setup is one of the more time consuming parts to get past. Once you lock in the basic parts, then iterating is more fun.


respondido hace 4 años

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