Bluesam is disabled when I try to submit jobs in my carddemo application


When I try to submit the job POSTTRAN, if fails. The reason is because bluesam is disabled. Log messages: BLUESAM is disabled: Don't use connect when bluesam is disabled

How do I enable bluesam?

  • Please provide more information about the context: Is it a local deployment, Mainframe Modernization deployment, Blu Age on EC2 deployment, Blu Age on Fargate deployment, etc. ? What is your bluesam configuration from YML files, application definition file, etc ?

preguntada hace 2 meses194 visualizaciones
5 Respuestas

The bluesam database connection is provided into application definition using AWS Secret Manager.

Instructions page:

Create carddemo-application.json from template provided below

  1. Replace [bucket name] by your bucket name (somthing like aws-bluage-l3-workshop-bucket)
  2. Replace [arn bluesam rds db] by aws-bluage-l3-workshop-carddemo-bluesam secret ARN
  3. Replace [redis endpoint] by aws-bluage-l3-workshop-redis endpoint

Solution page:

Pay attention to the warning message in case you followed the video solution

Database ARN copied into application definition is wrong The video shows that primary database ARN is copied to application definition file instead of bluesam database ARN.

respondido hace 2 meses


To help you get your CardDemo app up and running on M2, I have included a link below to our documentation. This guide contains detailed steps for configuring your app effectively:


Feel free to refer to this documentation for all the information you need.

Thank you.

respondido hace 2 meses
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revisado hace 2 meses

This is the instruction to set up the Cardemo app in anEC2 instance. For the workshop, we have to use the M2 Environment.
M2 Environment by default supports M2 type instances,

respondido hace 2 meses

I did ererything like the video now and the log shows the same error: BLUESAM is disabled: Don't use connect when bluesam is disabled

What can I do now?

respondido hace 2 meses

You probably have a application definition configuration issue on bluesam database.

To configure bluesam database for Mainframe Modernization deployment, you need to

If all previous steps are correctly done, when the server starts, you have the some Bluesam log messages in the log from cloud watch (between Launching Script Control Tower... and Expected "runners" to be set)

log extraction

respondido hace 2 meses

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