Exam Vouher discount


Where can I find AWS voucher discounts for AWS solutions architect Associate or Porfessional level as well as for Machine learning speciality if any and thanks. Not for Recertification, it is for the first time. Note: I registered for the "AWS CloudUp for Her -Solutions Architect Associate" trainig (I am a woman), this one: https://pages.awscloud.com/cloudup-for-her-saa.html, because afte the training I can get 50% discount ), but I haven't heard back from anyone yet. (After registering, all I received was this screen message—not an email—that said: "Thank you for registering your interest in AWS CloudUp for Her Solutions Architect Associate learning pathway."

preguntada hace 5 meses193 visualizaciones
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How about sending an email to "awscloudupsa@amazon.com" to inquire?
Additionally, the documentation below states:
It may be that it takes a while to arrive.

Discount codes will be distributed to the participant who share all the required details as per the instructions shared during the program. Once all the details are confirmed, discount codes will be distributed direct from XVoucher, to participants’ email address, within 10 business days, while supplies last.

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