EKS - How to communication from managed node group to self-managed node groups and vice versa


So I have created a EKS Cluster with 1 EKS managed node group. I also created a in-region Self-managed node group.

I was trying to install some workloads into the cluster using Helm, by simply invoking helm install method.

The first chart is installed into self-managed node group and everything works fine. But when I tried to install the second helm chart, it went to managed node group. However, the second helm chart has some dependency on the first helm chart and right now second helm chart is stuck trying to find the first helm chart. But it is in the other node group.

I am wondering what kind of Security Group rule changes I need to make so that I could make this cross node group communication work ?

Currently these two node groups are within the same VPC and Subnet


preguntada hace 2 años662 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

I think you should be more intentional in your helm chart targeting nodes if these workloads are meant to run (Pod or Node Affinity) OR making sure you are exposing things via services the right way, possibly using service mesh. If you are using default CNI, with VPC IP's, things should work. If you use an overlay CNI, where different nodes groups have different IP ranges, etc..... then you may need some network config.

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respondido hace 2 años

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