AWS Amplify "One or more domains requested" can't reject assosiation on banned account.


My customer registered account where i created infrastructure with Amplify app. This acc was banned (i don't know reason, maybe not verified credit card). Customer created another account. I created infrastructure again and it works well. But when i try create Amplify custom domain i received a message One or more domains requested are already associated with another Amplify app: I think it happened because last account pending to deletion. But what can i do if customer want to use that domain name? Choose another way to hosting? Can you suggest me? Support plan - basic.

preguntada hace un mes149 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


As you may be aware, that error indicates that the domain you are trying to use may be in use by another Amplify app.
The problem can be resolved by deleting the old app as shown in the stackoverflow answer below.

My customer registered account where i created infrastructure with Amplify app. This acc was banned (i don't know reason, maybe not verified credit card).

This time, it seems to be an issue on the AWS side, so I recommend that you open a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing" and inquire.
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

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