Error creating Lambda function: Request must be smaller than 69905067 bytes for the CreateFunction operation


Hello everyone,

Trying to launch this but get the following error Error creating Lambda function: Request must be smaller than 69905067 bytes for the CreateFunction operation I was able to upload the zip file to an s3 bucket but can not figure out how to create the lambda from there I am a newbie to .net/aws so take it easy on me please

preguntada hace 2 años5912 visualizaciones
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Hi, yes there is a 50MB quota (probably approximate) on directly-uploaded zipfile Lambdas. Behind the scenes this is a result of the Request limit you've seen of 69905067 bytes; by the time AWS API overhead like base64 encoding is taken into account you're left with about 50MB. Uploading to S3 gets around this, then the only limit is it must be <250MB unzipped. This is explored in depth at if you're interested. Also note a container Lambda can be used instead which can be up to 10GB.

Now you have your Lambda zip file in S3 you can create a Lambda function from the AWS Lambda console. There you'll be given the option to upload from a zip file or an S3 location.

respondido hace 2 años

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