S3 Bucket Disappeared While Transferring into another Bucket in same account



My S3 has disappeared from the AWS UI. I was in the middle of transferring it between buckets in the same account and my broadband dropped and the service interrupted. I now can't find it at all. Asking the accounts team they said they could see the bucket but I have no idea where its disappeared too. Checking the logs it doesn't seem like the bucket was deleted either.

preguntada hace 3 años352 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

It could be related to permissions. It is possible that someone modified the IAM policy that is applicable to you or has implemented a bucket policy and you no longer can list the buckets. Check with your account owner regards your permissions.

respondido hace 3 años

I'm an admin so I doubt its a permissions issue. But thanks for the thought, it is a pretty common thing to overlook

respondido hace 3 años

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