Aurora Postgres upgrade from11.17 to 16.2


Since 11 has reached EOL, our company is planing to Migrate from 11.17 to 16.2. It will be helpful if anyone could suggest us any step by step safer & standard approach to do the Migration.


  • Aurora Postgres 11.17 (standard)
  • 1 region(us-east-1) & 2 availability zones (write & reader instance)

I have gone through few option that AWS provides.

  • OP-1: AWS console regional cluster modify option does provide option to upgrade DB engine.
  • OP-2: AWS blue / green upgrade.
  • OP-3: In-place upgrade (any step by step doc will be helpful)

QA1: But I'm not sure how will OP-1 & OP-2 handle my index, existing data & downtime.


  • We have PROD environment (so backup is mandatory for us).
  • We do have concern about downtime ( 30mins - 1 hour won't hurt us that much).

Any suggestion / guide will be helpful. Thanks

preguntada hace 8 meses1 mil visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


Have a look at this document that provides more information on the different options.

An In-place upgrade

  • Can be performed from the Amazon RDS console or AWS CLI
  • Requires downtime

Blue/green deployments

  • Can also be performed from the Amazon RDS console and can minimize risks and downtime
  • It may restrict some of the operations that a user can perform until the operation is complete

Out-of-place upgrade

  • It reduces downtime because the upgrade happens on a copy of the database
  • It takes several steps to configure continuous replication with the new database instance until cutover happens

I hope this answers your question.

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