Website hosted on ec2 using route 53 DNS unable to connect while in Belize.


I am trying to access my website hosted on AWS with Route 53 DNS while I am on the island of Belize. I am getting server not found. I have no problem connecting here in the US and friends are able to connect in India. Please advise why is this so and how do I fix it.


Steven H.

preguntada hace un año315 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Hi Steven,

Here are the key points to consider:

  • Geo Restrictions: Ensure there are no geo restrictions set in Route 53 that block Belize.
  • Local ISP Issues: Belize might have ISPs that don't resolve certain domain names correctly.
  • DNS Propagation: Even if it seems unlikely, there might still be DNS propagation delays.
  • Test with Different DNS: While in Belize, try using a public DNS like Google's ( to check if it's a local DNS issue.
  • Use a VPN: Temporarily access the site via a VPN to see if that bypasses the problem.

Check these points, and if the issue persists, consider reaching out to AWS support or the local ISP for more insights.

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