How to disable download of AWS Athena Query results?


How to restrict a user from downloading Athena query results, and prevent them from uploading files directly to the Athena results bucket? User should still be able to run query in Athena and see the results. Will be great if someone can share the terraform code for the same.

preguntada hace un año1,1 mil visualizaciones
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You can achieve your use case by restricting the user's "Get and Put" Object permissions for that particular S3 location (query result location) and then to still run queries and to view results via Athena, you can consider using AWS global condition context keys such as "aws:CalledViaLast".

{ "Sid": "BlockAthenaDownloads", "Effect": "Deny", "Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:PutObject" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::athenaquery_result_loction/prefix/*", "Condition": { "StringNotEquals": { "aws:calledViaLast": [ "" ] } } }

Please refer to the documentation below to learn more about AWS global condition context keys:

[+] AWS global condition context keys -

Further, to create policy via terraform please refer to the below link:


Thank you!

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revisado hace 9 meses
  • Thank you! It worked...

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