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WorkMail You have exceeded the sending limit for this account.


Hello, I have this error on my Workmail. I send about 2 emails per day on this account...

You have exceeded the sending limit for this account. 2023-06-20 18:38:10 : An error occurred while trying to deliver the mail to the following recipients:

Technical report: Final-Recipient: rfc822; Status: 5.0.0

preguntada hace un año737 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

Did you end up resolving this?

respondido hace un año
  • Hi dave, I'm getting the exact same error; My service is located at us-east-1 (NVirginia) , what about yours ?? Do you link I't may be something with the region ?? I've look for more info but nothing came up My organization do not send that much of emails eiather.

    I would apreciate alot any further info you might find.



I'm getting this same issue. It doesn't seem to be unique as there are a number of threads about it. What is the fix?

respondido hace 2 meses

Looks like you have exceeded the sending limit for the account. You can review these limits and then open a support case under "Account and Billing" to increase necessary limits.

respondido hace un año
  • i am having the same issue, and i have only sent like 50 message. that below the per day user limit. Can you please help

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