Can't activate root domain for my amplify app


Hi there!
I had my react app deployed and worked successfully, yesterday I updated my git repo, but my web site didn't work as I expected, so I checked my amplify console for issues and found something weird like my domain name disappeared, but it still worked correctly as I see it now. So I decided to add my custom domain again, but got an error "One or more of the CNAMEs you provided are already associated with a different resource" at the last step of domain activation. But I had only one amplify app (I don't have any records at CloudFront). Then I deleted that amplify app, deleted all dns records for my domain in Route 53. Then I've created a new amplify app (now I have only one app) but I still get the same error for domain activation step. Now I excluded root domain for my app and try to activate a sub domain like I don't get any errors but activation is still being processed, but I'm sure it will be completed. I use Route 53 and I'm sure that my domain is delegated to it. I assume I can activate a sub domain, but what is wrong with my root domain? Amplify automatically adds dns records it needs, so it is not my mistake. Can anyone please help me activate my root domain

preguntada hace 4 años1276 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

Sub domain activated. Now I try to enable root domain from domain management page, after I click update I see "Update domain association failed".
I suppose something can be wrong with redirection rule (redirection to www subdomain). When I try to remove this rule I can't save it (I see spinner, but no response)

Edited by: MikhailOG on Feb 15, 2021 12:15 PM

respondido hace 4 años

Now I've activated my domain. The issue was that I have several IAM users and one user had the same app with another name connected to domain.

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revisado hace 5 meses

Glad to see that you were able to set it up! For future reference, we have these 2 guides for common issues with Custom Domains:


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revisado hace 5 meses

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