Amazon Linux 2023 on Lightsail?


When creating a new VM on Lightsail, the first and only Amazon Linux option present is Amazon Linux 2, which is heading to EOL and presumably shouldn't be used for a new deployment. When will Amazon Linux 2023 be available as an OS image?

preguntada hace un año635 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

AL2023 just reached GA on 3/15/2023.

Amazon Linux 2 still has 2+ years of support remaining and can still be used for new deployments.

Q. When will support for Amazon Linux 2 end?
Amazon Linux 2 end of support date (End of Life, or EOL) has been extended by two years from 2023-06-30 to 2025-06-30 to provide customers with ample time to migrate to the next version.

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respondido hace un año

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