AWS Bedrock Model Access results in Operation not allowed


Trying to add 'Amazon Titan Text G1 - Lite' model but getting...

Access request for 1 models failed Titan Text G1 - Lite - Operation not allowed

Tried with various users even root. All have 'AmazonBedrockFullAccess' permission so not sure what I'm missing.

8 Respuestas

I have the same problem and it seems to be some kind of bug. For some reason the POST request to /foundation-model-entitlement has a 400 response with the body {"message":"Operation not allowed"}. It used to work previously but some backend change seems to have broken it.

respondido hace 4 meses

I managed to fix similar issue using a less known secret of AWS, sometimes a new account is in "limited mode" and then all kinds of services fail to work properly with no clear error message. You can usually solve this by starting a small EC2 (T instance) for about 15 minutes and then the account becomes operational and you should be able to request access.

respondido hace 3 meses
  • this exactly works for me!!! I am a new account, I launch a EC2 service and terminate it after running for about 7 mins, and go back to bedrock, I can request model access!!! No more Operaton not allowed error


Got the same issue. Any updates?

respondido hace 4 meses
  • No. I'm still just using the 2nd AWS account I created for now


For me, I am getting this error with some models like Jurassic-2 Mid, Jurassic-2 Ultra : "operation not allowed" And for some models like "Cohere Embed Model" I get the mail, that you are subscribed. In either of these cases, I see the "access status" as "Available to request" only. FYI, I made all the requests in us-west-2 region (oregon) through my AWS management console.

Somebody, please help/enlighten. Tx

respondido hace 4 meses

Same issue here. It worked before, now doesn't with 400 Bad Request/Operation Not Allowed response. Double checked permissions and tried various regions.

respondido hace 4 meses

Two days ago I wanted to create a CloudFront distribution and when clicking on "Create distribution" it told me that my account needs to be verified before I can add new CloudFront resources and that I should contact AWS Support.
I opened a case under the category "Account Activation, Account Verification" and today got a reply that they verified my account.
I then wondered if this problem might be related and indeed I am now once again able to request model access.
So the solution seems to be to request account verification.

respondido hace 2 meses

Your new AWS account seems to be in the poorly documented "Limited mode". It seems once you do some basic function (I always start a t2.nano for a few minutes), your account is "verified". Shortly after starting the t2, I received an email with the subject line "Your Request For Accessing AWS Resources Has Been Validated" and now I can subscribe to Bedrock models.

I suspect there are many other things I wouldn't have been able to do...I just didn't try any of them.

respondido hace 10 días

You don't say how you're trying to access the model. I'd suggest double checking your region, and that you've enabled access to the Titan model in that region. [1]


profile pictureAWS
respondido hace 4 meses
  • Thanks for your reply. I'm trying to access via the management console using a valid region. Out of desperation I created a new AWS account and everything worked absolutely fine. So, it looks like its something to do with my account but figure out what. They both have the same payment info

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