Per session knowledge base augmentation with bedrock agents


I came across this article below which show users uploading documents that are added to the knowledge base of the bedrock agent. In this case these documents can be used when other users ask questions. Is there a way to create a knowledge base augmentation per session while still using the common knowledge base for all users?

  • In your use case, is the augmentation only for that session, and is it always relevant to the task? Those details help provide more prescriptive answers.

  • @hakanson, for your comment, yes the documents uploaded in the session are relevant to only that session. In future there might be a need for per user document store that lasts beyond the session for that user but for now per session is sufficient. What we will be looking for hierarchy of knowledge base: Common-> User -> Session. Will try out the custom flow suggested below.

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preguntada hace 3 meses1134 visualizaciones
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You can take advantage of a Knowledge base for Amazon Bedrock in different ways. The RetrieveAndGenerate API queries your knowledge base directly and generates responses. The Retrieve API enables custom orchestration flows, where you retrieve information directly from the knowledge base and use in your own calls into InvokeModel.

As of this answer, you may need to keep these per session documents in a separate data store and your custom orchestration flow retrieves documents from both a common knowledge base and the per session store. (However, Knowledge base for Amazon Bedrock is actively releasing new features based on customer feedback)

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